Wednesday, April 04, 2012


     Just wanted to say Hello! This infertility blog is not going to be geared only to those facing infertility. I want to create a blog that people will enjoy reading and that will shed light on an awkward subject. There are so many affected by fertility issues but it remains a difficult subject for many. To keep it friendly to those who are seeking to learn more about infertility but are not fully immersed in this, I will be avoiding the use of lots of acronyms and abbreviations. I am two years into this mess and I still can't read some blogs with out pulling up an abbreviation list in another tab.
     I do very much plan on discussing topics openly. You cannot discuss issues of fertility in a marriage with out discussing sex, arguments, and fears. The changes in the husband-wife relationship also must be discussed at times. For my husband and I, this has brought us closer and is teaching us about the actions of love each day. The same cannot be said for all couples facing this and maybe something we say here will help another couple work through the tough times.
     I am currently nearing the end of a two week wait.At the same time the Lord has led my husband and I into a season of great change. I am leaving a small church and looking for a new place to worship. Anyone who has ever left a small church knows what that can entail and there has been some heartache involved. I know there are a lot of new and exciting experiences coming our way. There has been some upheaval in our circle of friends as well. My ultimate hope is that this season of change will change us from a family of two to a family of three. (or four, twins would be just fine with me!)  God Bless until next time.


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